Univ.-Prof. Dr.sc. Dr.phil. Dipl.-Math. Dipl.-Inform.

Klaus-Tycho Foerster

Lehrstuhl IV
Faculty of Computer Science
TU Dortmund
Office 2.19
Otto-Hahn-Str. 16
D - 44227 Dortmund
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Klaus-Tycho Foerster

Short CV: I am a Professor for Computer Networks and Distributed Systems at the Technical University of Dortmund. I received my PhD degree in Computer Science from ETH Zurich, supervised by Roger Wattenhofer in the Distributed Computing Group, supported by Microsoft Research. Afterwards, I was a visiting researcher at Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA, working with Ratul Mahajan. As a postdoc, I was fortunate to work with Stefan Schmid at Aalborg University, Denmark, and at the University of Vienna, Austria. I also have diplomas in Mathematics and Computer Science from TU Braunschweig, a second Staatsexamen, as well as a PhD degree in Mathematics education, and a teaching award from the University of Vienna.

Research interests: Fundamental problems of networked and distributed systems, especially software-defined networks, optical networks, resilience, consistency, and fault-tolerance, e.g.: